Sunday, May 23, 2010

We made it to Tokyo!


We are now on the airport limousine bus to our hotel in Tokyo. After a short delay due to being switched to a shorter runway and having to unload some cargo, our 747 took off and landed in Tokyo 12 hours later. Karen and Evan were sitting in business class while Alaina was downstairs in coach. The plan was to switch seats halfway through the flight but for security reasons Alaina was not allowed to go up stairs and switch seats with them :(. Also-- never order a Kosher meal on an international flight. Alaina was stuck eating a prepackaged frozen Kosher meal that still said "Northwest" on it while Evan and Karen were upstairs having a wine tasting and eating filet mignon.

Anyways, we're all together in Tokyo now and we are very impressed so far. Everyone at the airport was very friendly and everything here is very efficient and clean. Speaking of clean, the bathrooms at the airport were a very interesting new experience as well. Those of you that have used a "Toto" toilet know what I mean. That's it for now, we have about 40 more minutes on the bus until we get to our hotel. We'll probably grab something to eat and go to bed.

ps. you can probably tell that alaina wrote this post and is slightly bitter....

1 comment:

  1. Alaina:

    I feel like I am on this trip with you. These are great pictures. I can not believe what all you are packing in. Just take good care of yourself, get plenty of rest. Our internet and TV were out last night. New plans for move to Boston. Dad and you drive there. Matt and I will fly and meet you both at Tanglewood, we fly to Albany. Berkshires is about 1 hour away and then go onto Boston on Sat. Party at Marty's Sat. Eve. Go to the Cape where Danny lives Sat. night and Sunday. Return you to Boston Sun. or MON. WE all fly home on WED. There are many place to stay around Tanglewood, Dad does not want to take an RV there. Too many miles. Let me know what you think of these plans. Marian and Pat sent you grad gift in the mail. Love, Momma
