Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tsukiji fish market

We woke up at 4am to go see the world's largest fish market. Earlier this month they started restricting access to the tuna auction, and unfortunately it was sold out by the time we got there. We still wandered around the wholesale area (where we weren't really supposed to be) and I snapped some pics as we hurried along the aisles. There was every sea creature you could imagine....

Tuna, of course (maguro)

Shellfish of all kinds, like these (whelk?)
Uni (sea urchin)
Little fishies
More shellfish (scallops, clams...)
Itsy bitsy squid
All the different cuts of tuna
Even more teensy fish for flavoring
All kinds of fish including snapper (the red ones)
Fish...the price in dollars is pretty much yen/100

Ebi (shrimp)

I also saw sea cucumber and geoduck which I have seen people cook on top chef :0)

We ate fish from the market at a little sushi place nearby. And on the way back to the room I got a bottle of Calpico. Heaven.

Well it's only 8am so we are going to regroup and go explore!


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