Sunday, June 6, 2010

Last day in KL

Hey guys,
I didn't take very many photos on this day, so you'll have to wait for one of my companions to upload theirs...but I have a few.

First we have a few pics from the night before at the night market. We tried some of the infamous fruit called the durian. It is known for being extremely smelly, and it is. It's the yellow part inside that you eat. It has the mouthfeel of room-temperature cream cheese, and the taste of a rotten onion. Bleh.

Also I found a pork bun.

So the next day we took a cab out of the city to see the Batu caves. We had to climb a few hundred steps to get inside...

Later we visited a police museum, which was pretty cool. It was basically a giant anti-communist propaganda display on the inside. I thought this tank was sweet, though.

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